ERSDA (East Renfrewshire Soccer Development Association)

runs structured development 4s, 5s and 7 a side football in the East Refrewshire area of Scotland every Saturday morning for children aged between 7 and 12.  We now also run Saturday and Sunday 11 a side leagues for players aged 13-17.
This web-site site has been developed to provide information for players, coaches, parents and other fans, past and present of this area and also to promote ERSDA throughout the world making new contacts, friendly relationships and partnerships with other clubs.

The association was established in 1995 with 23 teams and has grown over the last 23 years gaining a reputation for fair play and sportsmanship and for doing things the right way to develop players and keep them in the game as long as possible.  
The small committee is made up entirely of volunteers and we could always use more help.  If you are interested in assisting us to continue to develop young players then please contact one of the committee.  

If you are a local business and would like to make a contribution to the association, we would gladly place an advert on this website with links to your own site.  If you are a member (or parents, your child is a member) of ERSDA, we invite you to help us keep the site up-to-date with any news items of interest or if you would like to make any suggestions please email

If you would like to be kept up-to-date as and when there are site additions of interest, then please email me and I will add your email address to our database. I hope everyone associated with the clubs enjoys their football and that success comes as a reward for sportsmanship. 

President, ERSDA

One comment

  1. Hi

    I am looking for some information on your 7 a side league please.

    I run a 2016 team and currently in the CSFA league. I am looking at my options for going 7 a sides and just looking for some info on when the games are played, the location, cost etc.

    Many thanks.


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