Title: Euro 2024 Score Prediction Challenge

Click here to Register here for the Euro 2024 score predictor


We invite players, parents, family and friends of all our ERSDA teams to take part in our Euro 2024 score predictor contest. Just sign up, select the ERSDA team you wish to play for and then predict your scores for the group stages of the Euro 2024 competition. once the tournament begins check back to see the leaderboards either as a whole or everyone who is playing for your team.

The Euro 2024 Score Prediction Challenge invites football enthusiasts to showcase their foresight and passion for the game. Participants predict match outcomes, and final scores for each game in the championship . Here’s why this competition is a win-win for everyone involved:

Benefits for Participants:

  1. Fun and Engagement: Fans love to test their football knowledge. By participating, they become more invested in the tournament and enjoy discussing predictions with fellow supporters.
  2. Friendly Competition: Competing against friends, family, and other fans adds excitement. Bragging rights are at stake!
  3. Prizes: Consider offering small prizes for top predictors. Or individual teams can generate extra funds for tournaments and equipment by charging a small fee to join their league.
  4. Community Building: The challenge fosters camaraderie among parents, players and families, creating a sense of belonging and unity.

How It Works:

  1. Registration: Fans sign up on ersda.uk to participate. Collect basic details like name and phone number (will only be used if we have a question about their entry) and select which league they would like to enter. Once they have registered they will be taken to the prediction form where they will fill in their predictions. Please ensure that players know which league they should be joining before registering. Admin will add them to the correct league soon after registration.
  2. Predictions: Before the tournament, participants submit their predictions (match score prediction for each of the group matches) via the website.
  3. Scoring: Points are awarded based on accuracy. For example:
    • Correct winner: 1 point
    • Correct scoreline: 3 points
  4. Leaderboard: Display a live leaderboard on the website. players can track their progress and compare with others.
  5. Results: After each match, update scores and rankings promptly.


The Euro 2024 Score Prediction Challenge is a win-win scenario. Fans enjoy the thrill of predicting outcomes, while your football team benefits from increased engagement and potential revenue streams. Let’s kick off the excitement and celebrate the beautiful game together! ⚽🏆

Remember, it’s all about having fun, fostering community spirit, and celebrating the love for football! 🙌